I have had some really great jobs, and I have worked with some incredibly fantastic people. And, even when work has been hard to find, or I’ve taken a job I didn’t want, I’ve had support or it’s led to bigger and better things. I’ve been lucky, really.
But, I’ve never loved really loved my work. I’ve never wanted to call the work I was doing my field, or my career. Until now.
I LOVE my new job. So, so much. It is amazing, and challenging, and interesting, and I still can’t believe I’m really here doing this.
Let’s be honest, I’m still in the honeymoon phase, and none of the irritations or problems I will phase have presented themselves yet, I also don’t have a full workload, so I know it’s only going to get harder and I will likely screw some stuff up as I go on, but I really think it’s going to feel worth it in a way that nothing has before.
And, I’m sure some of the current joy of it is also that I’m doing this job in England, surrounded by adorable Britishness, like accents (I’ve got a Scot and a ‘Brummy’ (whatever that is) on my team), funny words (faffy, ta, crikey), and tea breaks. Also, I work a 10 minute walk from an actual historical estate that could have come right out of Austen. So, yeah, the frosting isn’t hurting either.
But, it’s also just really that cool. I’m turning an MS into a book (not single handedly, obviously). But, I’m editing the form without having to be terrified that my penchant for run on sentences and faulty comma usage is going to screw anyone up, I’m coordinating cover design, I’m doing a bunch of other things I don’t even know about yet, because we haven’t gotten that far. And, whatever I’m not doing I still get to learn about because somebody else here is doing it and they believe in training!
I know I’ve kind of skipped over our Swedish excursion here, but I’ll try to get something up about it, soon.
And so, more to come.
– a
This warms my heart to read this. I couldn’t be happier for you my lovely. It is a true gift to have a job you enjoy. Count your blessings!